Student Body Treasurer E.J. Walicki announced his resignation at Tuesday night's Student Senate meeting.
Thursday will be his last day in office, he said. Walicki said he is returning home to Baltimore, Md., for the rest of the semester to be with his family following his father's death in January.
His announcement came during the first of two Student Senate meetings at which several members shared memories before the newest group of senators, elected Feb. 26 and 27, assumed their places.
Kevin Reilly, former Senate president and incoming Student Body president, touted several goals past senators accomplished, including improving Chomp the Vote, passing a graduate bill of rights and creating a sustainability minor that will begin in fall.
Steven Hoffstetter, Gator Party chairman, said he felt a sense of success during his last Senate meeting as a sophomore representative.
In the Senate's second meeting, the new senators elected their leaders. Kellie Dale was elected Student Senate president, and MaryGrace Bell was elected Student Senate pro tempore.
The new Senate members were sworn in at about 10 p.m.