The Alligator editorial board should give credit where credit is due. When our Student Government leaders got library hours extended for finals, the editorial board decried SG for not doing more.
Apparently it's easy getting the administration to fork over ,5,000 per semester, and apparently you're damned if you do and damned if you don't. Yesterday's editorial faulted the Student Senate for not working harder. The truth is, senators cannot pass a bill extending library hours.
Their responsibilities lie almost exclusively in allocating the Activity & Service Fee to fund things such as the Reitz Union, the gyms and student organizations. While an individual senator can sponsor resolutions in support of an idea, these are rarely effective.
Passed Senate resolutions may theoretically carry power, but in practice they have proven to be almost worthless. Instead, the administration regularly seeks approval from the Student Body president, who holds the mandate of the greater student body.
I recognize SG's flaws should be elucidated by a vigilant press. However, when our leaders succeed, they deserve a mature press corps that doesn't criticize for the sake of criticism.