Andrew Meyer strikes again! However, this time we didn't see it coming. Only his actions could effectively assist in the suicide of another campus speech. I can only assume that in light of recent events, UF President Bernie Machen believes postponement of a "controversial" speaker will somehow ease tension and tame the chaos he has created.
But what can time really buy us, other than costing us ,7,500? Maybe the police need time to recharge their Tasers. The reality is that controversy will always surround Dr. Jack Kevorkian whether it be today, tomorrow or yesterday. As a university, we cannot allow a breach of civility to undermine our rights to a proper forum.
While laughable quips of "Don't Tase me, bro" bring some comic relief to the situation, students and Gators fans alike should realize it is a rather embarrassing moment for our institution.
Similarly, the administration's actions for postponement are unbecoming of a nationally renowned university - it feels too much like childish punishment for misbehavior. Why are the motives of the entire Gator Nation in question?
I would hope that as adults we can remain civil during future functions without the gargling echoes of Meyer. The two events must be maintained as separate, and assumptions as to what may or may not happen in the name of controversy cannot be drawn.