I'm writing in response to Friday's article "Businesses use Tasering incident in advertisements." I work at Gator Dawgs, a restaurant using the Meyer incident to its advantage. Krissy Abdullah has a problem, apparently, with people making the most of a situation and attempting to make a situation lighthearted.
Why? Comedy is how people get through things. I could understand if jokes were made about something like the Virginia Tech shootings, but Meyer didn't die. No, he didn't deserve to be Tasered (in my opinion), but hell, make the most of the situation - that's what advertising is all about. And just to put this out there, Otis Britt, the owner, isn't being disrespectful for putting Taser references on the sign. He's just trying to, as Abdullah said, "make a serious situation into something lighthearted." He's just trying to make people laugh.