On Wednesday, UF President Bernie Machen announced the nine appointments to a task force charged with reviewing UF's event management and University Police practices.
Machen decided to create the committee, which features five faculty members and four students, after the Sept. 17 Tasering of Andrew Meyer, a UF telecommunication senior, by UPD officers.
The four students are Brian Aungst, a third-year UF law student; Lola Bovell, a graduate student; and Steven Hoffstetter and Leslie Jean, UF political science juniors, said Kim Cruts, Student Government press secretary.
According to a UF press release, the faculty members are Kim Tanzer, UF architecture professor; Mike Seigel, UF law professor; Sandra Chance, UF journalism professor; Mark Rush, UF economics professor; and James Klausner, UF engineering professor.
Tanzer will be the chairwoman for the task force.
Steve Orlando, UF spokesman, said Machen formed the committee based on recommendations from Student Body President Ryan Moseley and Faculty Senate Chairman Rick Yost.
The committee's first meeting will be Tuesday from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at an undetermined location. It is open to the public.