Free Your PC, an event sponsored by Florida Free Culture, Student Government, the UF Computing Help Desk and the UF IT Security Team, offered students free McAfee antivirus protection, computer cleaning, and creative software and games Tuesday on the Reitz Union Colonnade from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Gabrielle Hall, a UF freshman, brought her Dell laptop to the event after noticing that her computer was running slower than normal, and her antivirus protection program was expiring.
To update her antivirus protection program, Hall would have to purchase an update, she said.
At the event, Jordan Wiens, a senior network security engineer for UF's security team and creator of Free Your PC, was able to install McAfee antivirus protection on Hall's laptop along with other free programs.
Wiens updated programs and also cleaned out her computer by deleting unnecessary programs, which allowed it to run twice as fast, she said.
"Since I have no knowledge of computers, I would have never been able to install or find these programs by myself," Hall said.
Wiens said, "We pimp out your computer for you."
Free Your PC will continue its services today on the Reitz Union Colonnade from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.