Tasers have been used 17 times in University Police Department incidents since summer 2001, according to the UPD spokesman.
As a result of the Sept. 17 Tasering incident, the Florida Department of Law Enforcement will conduct an investigation of the UPD's use of force.
UPD spokesman Capt. Jeff Holcomb said potential policy changes will not be made until investigation results are given.
UPD started using Tasers during summer 2001. They were issued first to sergeants and field training officers, Holcomb said.
UPD has not given Tasers to the entire staff yet. Some captains and majors do not have them, he said.
UPD uses the X26 and M26 models.
The newer model, X26, is 60 percent smaller and lighter than the M26, according to the Taser International Web site.
The X26 also has greater "stopping capabilities." The energy produced can penetrate up to 2 inches of clothing, according to the Web site.
Officers are allowed to use Tasers when an individual resists their attempts to control the situation, according to a UPD document titled "Use of Force."
Resistance includes physical assault or not allowing the officer to approach.