I'm writing in response to Colleen Shea's article in the Friday Alligator. I'm a huge football fan, but I'm not writing to bash her at all. In fact, I thought Ms. Shea's article was very creative and a fun read. What I want to comment on is the fact that her article brings up another valid point: I'm one of the many seniors here at UF who did not receive student tickets this year.
Our screwed-up lottery system gives tickets to people who couldn't care less and not to the fans who really want them. All students have a right to tickets because they are students at UF, but I propose the system be based on either seniority or a first-call-first-serve basis, not by random. I enjoyed Ms. Shea's article, especially since she is not embarrassed to admit her lack of knowledge of football, but it's definitely not fun deciding whether that ,10 Tennessee ticket is worth forking over a hundred bucks for.