Students of many faiths ended a day of fasting with prayer and food Thursday night at the O'Connell Center.They gathered to celebrate the first day of Ramadan, the holiest month of the Muslim religion, with a feast. Participants in the Fast-a-Thon abstained from eating between sunrise and sunset. Some also pledged donations to St. Francis House, a local homeless shelter.The fundraiser was organized by UF's Islam on Campus.The event began with a prayer in the front entrance. About 10 minutes were devoted to a prayer of standing, sitting and kneeling positions. Those who were not Muslims were invited to observe those in prayer before the meal.Rami Nashashibi, a Muslim activist from Chicago, spoke at the event.The sociologist and founder of the Inner City Muslim Action Network stressed the importance of fasting for all religions.
"Fasting is something unique to the human race," he said during his speech.Rachel Ludlow, a freshman, said she had to wake up early to keep herself from eating after the sun rose.
"I woke up this morning at 5 and stuffed myself so I could do it all day," she said.She said she almost decided not to participate in the fast, but she changed her mind.While not a Muslim, she said she felt it was important to participate in a fundraiser that would benefit the homeless.Farrah Beg, a food science and human nutrition major, said the hardest part about fasting is stopping herself from drinking water during the hot Florida days.But Ramadan is more than just abstaining from food and drink for 30 days, Beg said. It's about controlling emotions.
"You make yourself a better person, so when the month is over you can carry it on," she said.Yaser Ali, a 21-year-old political science student and president of Islam on Campus, said the group had about ,7,000 in their budget for the event.Almost half the budget went to providing a speaker. The remainder allowed the group to provide first and second servings of chicken, rice and salad for about 200 people.Ali estimated about ,5,000 was raised to benefit St. Francis house and the local homeless community.Ali said Ramadan is a month of sacrifice.
"It's not just about abstaining from food and drink in itself," he said. "It's about restraint."