There are very few subjects in our collegiate media circuit about which I've contemplated voicing my opinion. Certainly one would think police brutality, UF Playboy models or racial controversy would garner my voice. Sadly, for me, they did not.
Tuesday's editorial, however, on the fashion faux pas of jean shorts, has finally struck my intellectual nerve.
I too have sat on the Plaza of the Americas and felt baffled at the sheer number of jean shorts surrounding me. I was absolutely delighted to know that someone else shares my concerns. Although for me, it is the cutoff breed of jean shorts that really grinds my gears.
Why has this garment gained exponential momentum in the fashion popularity world? Why cut off your jeans to make shorts? Where is the rationale in this practice? What will you do when need jeans in the winter? Buy new ones. Why didn't you just originally buy shorts?
These questions have haunted me lately, and a tremendously heavy load has been lifted from my back in knowing that there are others out there and that I am not alone. Thank you, Kyle Cox, for striking my intellectual nerve.