The Gainesville Police Department recently received a grant for a new kiosk to patrol the midtown bars.
The Gators/Saints Mobile Safe Assistance and Education Team, abbreviated SAFE-T, kiosk was funded by a grant totaling more than ,18,500.
There are two primary goals of the GPD SAFE-T kiosk, Book said.
The first goal is to present more messages dealing with issues such as date rape and drunk driving, he said. "Instead of saying a DUI is bad, we may show a poster of the consequence of a DUI," Book said.
"Goal No. 2 is to provide a safe place after the bars close to help someone get what they need in order to get home safely," he said
With this kiosk, GPD hopes to prevent late-night crimes from occurring because of risky alcohol-related behaviors.
The kiosk officer on duty may be seen handing out brochures related to crime prevention, the importance of guarding drinks at the bars and making sure the "buddy system" is used when walking home from the bars at night.
The officers are also on duty to stop both males and females walking by themselves. Book said students are encouraged to ask for the kiosk officer if they need assistance after the bars close at night.
The kiosk began in limited trial last spring in the midtown bar area, which includes places like Gator City, he said. The kiosk typically runs during the busy nights, Fridays and Saturdays, and may expand into the downtown area in the future, he said.
For now, the kiosk will be wherever the officer parks his patrol car, Book said.