Student Government's Gator Party has released its platform, which includes goals of creating a sustainability minor and reworking UF's E-Learning System.
Yooni Yi, Gator Party president, said the platform - released Tuesday - focuses on meeting the needs of the largest, most diverse group of students possible.
"My platform reaches out to the student body," Yi said. "We're covering what they need and what they really want out of their Student Government."
Yi said the Gator Party has both short-term and long-term goals.
Party objectives that could be implemented quickly include integrating the E-Learning System with UF WebMail, she said.
E-Learning is confusing, Yi said, and her party wants students to be able to have forwarded e-mail reminders for events, deadlines and mail featured in the system.
Other short-term goals include extending library hours during exam week and implementing metered parking at the Southwest Recreation Center.
Metered parking would allow students without decals to use the facility during decal hours, she said.
For the long term, one of Gator's plans is to create a sustainability minor.
Yi said the sustainability minor would give students an avenue to learn and accomplish more in that field.
"It's being sustainable in a way because you are building leaders in these concepts," she said.
Yi said she thinks these goals can be accomplished and paid for within one year by improving communication with UF's administration.
"I think the administration is really willing to work with students," Yi said. "There's a lack of communication, but once they realize students are interested, I think they would want to work and find a way to make things happen."