Florida's Board of Governors will decide how much of a tuition increase to impose on Florida's 11 universities at a meeting this morning in Tallahassee.
At a meeting July 10, the board, the State University System's highest-governing body, decided to increase tuition up to 5 percent despite a veto from Gov. Charlie Crist.
The board also voted to freeze enrollment at the universities' current levels beginning spring 2008 and joined former Sen. Bob Graham's lawsuit against the state Legislature to fight for tuition-setting powers.
It's not known how Bright Futures would factor in, since the program is controlled by the Legislature.
The Legislature will discuss state university tuition at a special session in October.
The potential tuition hike would be a welcome financial cushion, UF Provost Janie Fouke wrote in an e-mail Sept. 16. Any extra money would benefit students, she wrote.
UF is currently facing budget cuts of about ,34 million.