Students and employers alike sought little bits of shade Tuesday while discussing responsibilities and work experience at the first Part-Time Job Fair.
The job fair, sponsored by UF?s Career Resource Center and Student Financial Affairs, took place Tuesday on the Reitz Union North Lawn.
BIt?s a great opportunity for students to see what?s out there,C said Eric Smith, vice president of operations at Gator Domino?s Pizza.
Smith said he attended the job fair to look for hard-working students to fill part-time positions before the start of football season.
Ja?Net Glover, assistant director for career events at the CRC, a department in the Division of Student Affairs, started developing the idea for a part-time job fair after having trouble trying to hire students at the start of semesters.
The fair was advertised through informal surveys, telephone calls, e-mails, faxes and promotional advertisements.
Glover said about 45 employers, including 10 UF departments, were registered for the fair.
BThe immediate thing is to find part-time jobs for students who need them,C Glover said.
Local employers at the event included Capital City Bank, Dillard?s and the Hippodrome State Theatre.
UF employers included Gator Dining Services, the Stephen C. O?Connell Center, and the department of housing and residence education.
Tom Horton, store manager of the Wal-Mart on 13th Street, started out as a part-time employee at Wal-Mart almost 16 years ago.
He said the job fair was a good way to get the Wal-Mart name out and explain job opportunities.
Guadalupe Lawrence, a classical studies senior, recently quit her job and found out about the job fair through UF?s weekly Gator Times e-mail and friends.
BIt?s a good thing really because there are more opportunities coming out here,C Lawrence said.