That didn't take long. Call me cynical, but I'm not surprised the Alligator editorial board has started holding Greeks to a separate standard from other students just a week into the fall semester. Underage drinking is illegal. So is smoking pot. But is what happened at Pi Lambda Phi Fraternity any different from what probably happened at dozens of Gainesville apartments that same night?
The police and the university are doing their jobs, but does it seem a little ridiculous to anyone else that the Alligator is condemning other students for lighting up and boozing? Pi Lam had a few bongs and some beer. The brothers weren't mainlining black tar heroin while swigging moonshine they brewed in a bathtub.
Wait, maybe stronger regulations will fix the "problem" because more rules and more control are always the answer, as long as they apply only to Greeks. The editorial board, seemingly endlessly concerned with the missteps of the Greek community, has suggested taking a proactive approach; I agree - the Alligator should set an example for once and begin random drug testing of its editors and staff writers. After all, "it starts at a universitywide level."