There are very few words to describe all the emotions we felt when reading Suzanne Venker’s piece on Fox News’ website titled “The war on men.”
“Women aren’t women anymore,” wrote Venker.
Well then. Let’s delve deeper into her article and see how she explains herself.
“In a nutshell, women are angry,” wrote Venker. “They’re also defensive, though often unknowingly.”
Is “confusion” an emotion? We definitely felt that when we started reading. Follow along as we find other words to label our emotions other than “angry” or “defensive!”
Thank you, Venker, for showing women in a positive light. Finally, someone is brave enough to call out the shortcomings of an entire gender by using generalizations. Just kidding. That was an example of us feeling “sarcastically bewildered.”
How in the world could a woman write an entire article that blames modern women for not getting married even though they want to while claiming that we’re leading a war on men?
“All the articles and books (and television programs, for that matter) put women front and center, while men and children sit in the backseat,” wrote Venker. “But after decades of browbeating the American male, men are tired. Tired of being told there’s something fundamentally wrong with them. Tired of being told that if women aren’t happy, it’s men’s fault.”
Sorry, that noise you just heard was the sound of our brains breaking. Nope. All of those words feel completely opposite from the truth. Now we feel “sad.”
Does she really think women are leading a war on men in the media? Sarah Palin would probably argue to the contrary. Hillary Clinton might have something to say about it. Michelle Obama’s arms, while magnificent, could feel a bit awkward about all the attention they get.
Sometimes women receive attention from the media. The media has not led a war on men as a gender. So, how has feminism, or the media’s portrayal of feminism, made men feel?
“It has pissed them off,” wrote Venker. “It has also undermined their ability to become self-sufficient in the hopes of someday supporting a family. Men want to love women, not compete with them. They want to provide for and protect their families — it’s in their DNA. But modern women won’t let them.”
We feel “disappointed,” at best.
We’re not sorry about wanting equal treatment. We’re not sorry if being more equal makes some people feel that they’re in a competition of who can provide for a family the best.
The point of feminism, and other movements similar to it, as we understand it, is to receive equal rights, opportunities and attention. That’s it! It isn’t a war on men; it’s a war on inequality.
Venker’s article received a lot of attention because so many people thought her point of view was outrageous and hilariously out-of-touch. She should realize that her article is perpetuating the problem she proposes. She’s portraying women as the aggressor and putting them at fault for the world’s problems.
Women aren’t the problem. They’re in the middle of a response to a problem.